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Empowering Investment Operations – Key Takeaways and Insights

Written by Todd Yarrow | Oct 16, 2023 4:00:00 AM

In the ever-evolving landscape of investment operations, staying ahead of the curve is not just a challenge; it's a necessity. That was a primary message at the Invest-Ops Challenges Forum. The gathering, representing a diverse spectrum of professionals from independent consultants to superannuation funds and asset managers across Australia, provided a unique platform for sharing insights and addressing the pressing challenges faced by the investment sector.

SS&C had the privilege of participating in a dynamic panel discussion at this prominent industry event, and some of the key topics and takeaways included:

  1. ESG and the Path to Transparency

    One of the pivotal discussions revolved around ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) standards, specifically the ISSB and TCFD reporting frameworks. The phased rollout of these standards and the impact on the domestic market were thoroughly examined. Conversations delved into the significance of accurate data providers and the rise of AI-driven tools, as well as addressing challenges such as greenwashing and recent ASIC fines.
  1. Excel’s Enduring Reign

    Surprisingly, in the realm of cutting-edge technology, Microsoft Excel remains a stalwart companion for many investment professionals. Attendees confessed to their reliance on Excel, citing security concerns, key personnel risks, and connectivity challenges. This reliance, notably in unit price and NAV calculations, underscored the industry's struggle to break free from the familiarity of Excel.
  1. The Data Dilemma

    Amid the discussions, a resounding theme echoed through the presentations: the paramount importance of managing and harnessing data effectively. The call for a unified data platform resonated strongly, emphasizing its role in enhancing efficiency and reducing the total cost of ownership. The integration of disparate data sources emerged as a critical strategy, enabling businesses to extract valuable insights for internal use, client interactions and regulatory compliance.
  1. The Talent Conundrum

    In 2023, attracting and retaining specialized operations staff emerged as a significant challenge. The industry recognized that compensation was just one part of the equation; professionals sought environments that offered more than just financial incentives. The need to foster a stimulating and supportive workplace environment became pivotal in talent acquisition and retention strategies.

A Glimpse into the Future

Amid these challenges, the anticipation of technological advancements was palpable. Businesses are eager to leverage innovation to enhance their operations.

The forum reinforced SS&C’s commitment to empowering clients with transformative solutions. Whether integrating ESG data seamlessly into investment and reporting processes or harnessing cutting-edge technologies to enhance user experiences, SS&C Aloha is a solution that can future-proof a firm’s investment operations and rise above the crowd, with a solution built from the ground up, rooted in a modern, unified data platform. Download our "SS&C Aloha - Investment Operations, Reimagined" factsheet to learn more.