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BLOG. 2 min read

Investment Operations in a Virtual World

COVID-19 and the resulting work-from-home (WFH) mandates have all but eliminated the benefit of maintaining in-house investment operations. This benefit is often described as control: the ability to “look over a shoulder” to ensure operations are running smoothly and issues are resolved quickly. Unfortunately, in-person control is no longer an option.

The world has gone virtual. Zoom meetings have replaced face-to-face interaction, and emails and phone calls have replaced the walk down the hall. Working has become decentralized and geographically dispersed. Maintaining an effective in-house investment operation has become more expensive and with increased risk, including cyber risk.

So why do it?

Ensuring your capital-raisers are prospecting, your analysts are performing unassailable research and your portfolio managers are effectively allocating capital is challenging enough. Bearing the responsibility of timely and accurate reporting to management, investors and regulators may be asking too much and delivering too little.

Investment operations are a complex, intensive and expensive undertaking. Operations require recruiting, training and managing a workforce with a high expertise quotient and high expense burden. These professionals are in-demand and hard to find. Efficient operations require an end-to-end technology stack. Technology requires upgrades, enhancement and bug fixes. These technologies, from trading systems to accounting and compliance systems, are constantly evolving and take rigorous effort to keep current and integrated. Missing one upgrade leads to missing three, and instantly, you’re no longer “cutting-edge.”

If all of this has to be managed virtually, then why are you doing it yourself?

SS&C is a strategic partner to world-class investment organizations. We provide all of the above with breadth, depth and the ability to facilitate real-time business decisions. You specialize in investments, SS&C specializes in investment operations. Our business is finding the best talent and arming them with the best technology to satisfy and delight our clients and their clients. We do this at scale and we invest hundreds of millions annually in our platform.

Let SS&C bear the responsibility of delivering a high-quality front-, middle- and back-office infrastructure with the world’s top technology, operations and accounting talent. Your time is valuable—focus it on your investments, not your investment operations.

Download our "After the Storm: Charting a New Course Through Uncertainty" whitepaper to learn about three key ways your firm can evolve as an organization in the midst of disruption and better position yourself through outsourcing.

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