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BLOG. 3 min read

10 Considerations for Compelling Compliance Training

From role-based training to regulatory requirements, eLearning programs are developed to solve a variety of needs. Compliance programs in particular contain vital information for employees to ensure their understanding of key concepts as well as their role and responsibilities at the firm. Given the importance of this type of training and regulatory requirements, it’s imperative that employees are actively engaged. Here are ten recommended features and functionalities to optimize your compliance training.

  1. Pre-Test
    For annual compliance programs, consider including a pre-test to enable tenured employees to test out of the full program by demonstrating their proficiency. A win-win, as pre-tests save valuable resource time while rewarding employees for their knowledge!
  2. Senior Endorsement
    Opening the program with an endorsement video from senior management adds credibility and engages employees from the outset. It not only tells them senior management is behind the program but also signals that the content is up-to-date and relevant to their specific company and role. If video production doesn’t fit into the budget, consider adding a personal message from an executive accompanied by an audio snippet instead.
  3. Updated Content
    Typically assigned as mandatory on an annual basis, employees often view the same compliance training programs year after year with little variation, which can result in them switching to auto-pilot as soon as they begin. Consider including references to current events (e.g., news headlines on fines for non-compliance) throughout the program to signal to the learner that the content is updated and consequences are serious, which will encourage their full attention.
  4. Navigation
    While there may be a visible menu for learners to view their progress, navigation should be locked down to ensure all content is viewed and all interactivities are engaged with in order to progress.
  5. Resources
    Be sure to include downloadable policy documents for later reference. A PDF takeaway of key terms, internal contacts and links to internal sites would also be beneficial to include. The more quickly employees can access the information they need when they need it, the better!
  6. Final Attestation
    Conclude the course with an attestation in which employees must confirm they completed the program, understand the content and will adhere to associated policies.
  7. Quiz
    Assign a quiz for remediation assignments to validate employee understanding of core concepts.
  8. PDF Version
    Develop a static PDF version of the compliance training program for regulatory audits including all content.
  9. CPE Credit
    Certifications and designations are a competitive differentiator for your employees and a benefit to the organization, as they prove your staff has the necessary skills and experience to perform in their roles. Consider seeking approval for CPE credit with professional organizations to increase the value-add for your audience. Many designations and certifications require annual completion of regulatory and ethics content, so your firm’s compliance program may easily fulfill continuing professional requirements for your employees.
  10. Branding & Communications
    Design the look and feel of the user interface and all graphics within the program to be aligned to your corporate branding guidelines to add a layer of polish and credibility. This signals to the employee that the training is tailored to the firm and also enables you to extend core messages and compliance initiatives outside of the formal training experience and include visual cues to trigger recall of key concepts that are critical to compliant behavior.

If you’re looking for ways to enhance your current compliance programs, get in touch with our team at the SS&C Learning Institute! Our in-house production team specializes in the design and development of engaging employee education and training.

About Us | The SS&C Learning Institute is a division of SS&C dedicated to providing continuing education for today’s professionals. From a library of 250+ online CPE courses to development services, our offerings are delivered by industry-leading subject matter experts and cover a wide variety of topics, from key regulatory updates and new investment vehicles to trending topics such as ESG investing and digital assets. To learn more about the SS&C Learning Institute, please visit

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