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BLOG. 2 min read

Five Steps to Success Through Intelligent Automation

The new SS&C Intelligent Automation Maturity Model provides a roadmap to companies to fully leverage emerging technologies and to establish the organizational structures to support continual innovation and evolution. The model is built on top of our experience of more than 30 years of providing technology and consulting services to hundreds of customers with a particular emphasis on those in complex, regulated industries, such as financial services, insurance and healthcare.

The SS&C Intelligent Automation Maturity Model assesses the current state of organizations and outlines the steps to achieve the next level. The five levels of the model include:

  1. Traditional: The firm is largely unchanged from how they operated 10-20 years ago, save for some experimentation with intelligent automation.
  2. Incremental: The firm has achieved meaningful progress resulting in cost reductions in 1-2 business units, often driven heavily by consultants or contractors.
  3. Organized: The firm has established formal programs to steadily increase the amount of automation across multiple business units, leveraging a combination of citizen developers and pro developers.
  4. Scaled: The firm has an enterprise center of excellence devoted to intelligent automation and has successfully reduced costs, mitigated risk and improved customer experience with sophisticated end-to-end journeys.
  5. Autonomous: The firm has embedded intelligent automation into its corporate DNA with roles at all levels in scope for some level of automation.

A holistic approach is required to advance up the SS&C Intelligent Automation Maturity Model. Not only does the model includes a range of technologies (including all the hot acronyms: RPA, ICR, NLP, NLG, ML), but also focuses on the other critical dimensions needed to reach a more autonomous state:

  • Goals
  • Staffing models
  • Centers of Excellence
  • Talent and change management
  • Scope of automation
  • Depth of automation
  • Business adoption

While all companies recognize that advancing intelligent automation capabilities has become a must-have, the average firm only achieves a Level 2 (Incremental) out of 5 on the SS&C Intelligent Automation Maturity Model. At SS&C, we’re committed to helping organizations advance to the next levels of maturity through a unique combination of:

  • Award-winning intelligent automation technology
  • Consulting services with deep expertise in complex, regulated industries such as financial services, insurance and healthcare
  • Enterprise-grade cloud hosting
  • Outsourcing offerings for mailrooms, call centers and operations

Download the SS&C Intelligent Automation Maturity Model to assess your current level and map out the next steps.

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