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Retirement Income Clearing & Calculation Platform (RICC®)

RICC provides retirement service providers a simple and cost-effective model for the distribution and servicing of guaranteed income products.

The Future of In-Plan Lifetime Income Products with a Single Connection

Platform-agnostic, RICC eliminates the complexity and technology resource burden involved with servicing in-plan annuities and guaranteed income products.

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Income Product Portability

Retirement Income middleware allows retirement service providers to cost effectively distribute and service guaranteed income products.


Video Q&A with Ryan Grosdidier, Retirement Income Solutions, SS&C Retirement Solutions

SS&C Retirement Solutions provides an efficient and scalable model for the distribution and servicing of guaranteed income products.


Retirement Plans: Guaranteed Income Means Better Outcomes

Including retirement income solutions in your plan will help participants move from accumulating assets to a predictable decumulation strategy.

Eliminate the Complexity and Technology Resource Burden Involved with Servicing In-Plan Annuities

Single Connection one connection for recordkeepers and retirement income products.

Cost Efficiency minimize implementation and maintenance costs.

Increase Asset Acquisition and Portability connect to RICC’s recordkeeping and retirement income product network.

Improved Client Experience offer clients an opportunity to establish their position in the retirement plan market.

Platform Agnostic connect with any recordkeeper and any income product.

Open Architecture allows plan sponsors to move income products more easily from one connected recordkeeper to the next.